
This site really started with the-walk, my more than slightly crazy idea to attempt to walk between my two home cities, Stockholm and Sydney. That project itself started with the test-walk, an almost 2000 km walk from Stockholm to Γ…re and back again in the summer of 2012. I had to test the idea of long-distance walking before I set out to wander all the way to Sydney.

What happened was documented on the-walk.se, the blog I had at the time, and the blog continued to follow me through my travels and adventures until a certain epidemic struck the world and I found myself stuck in Sweden and not really being able to set out on my planned expeditions.

In late 2020, I was very unsure if I was going to continue sharing my adventures and ideas with anyone but my very closest friends and I removed the-walk.se from public view, just another step in my slow but inexorable move away from social media. The second half of 2020 and the first 6 months of 2021 were periods of reflection and I was basically feeling very lost about what to do with the rest of my life and especially about if I wanted to make it public or not.


Looking back over my old blog and what I had written and published there, made me realize that it was a gold mine of memories for me, if not for anyone else. I’m not the kind of person that keeps a journal and all my previous attempts to write a diary have stagnated almost as quickly as they started. But the blog was a lasting documentation of my adventure and it was fun to read it and try to recall and experience my different moods and remember how I felt at different stages of the-walk.

I have slowly come to the conclusion that it would be worth having a website, with a blog, if for no other reason than to force me to keep a sort of informal diary. If it also resonates with others and they choose to follow along on my journey, well great. I’ve even decided to expand the concept and have a YouTube channel running parallel as well. Mainly to give me an easier way to share videos on the website and as an experimental way to force me to both produce and publish “moving pictures”.

So what will the future hold here on Wombat Vision?

I will be trying to publish a lot of the old material from the-walk along with new stuff as and when I get a chance to go on some more adventures. But I will also try to write and publish some old stuff, from my earlier life, prior to the-walk. While I still remember…


I will also be forcing myself to publish reviews, tips and tricks and general information about whatever interests me at the moment. Which could be just about anything, from travel and adventure to photography and filming, to bikepacking, motorcycles and road-tripping.

You will be able to follow my journey here, with updates coming on the blog, on Instagram (@wombatvision) or YouTube.

Now I only have to start producing something to read/look at…